their tears are filling up their glasses
no expression, no expression
hide my head i wanna down my sorrow
no tomorrow, no tomorrow
I miss my friend Mario Lopez. I haven't talked with him forever now but he's busy doing his own thing & whatever. That song just reminded me of him . .
Anyway, I miss my bestestestestestest fraaaaaand! I haven't seen her since, monday? & I barely get to talk to her now but hopefully we'll get to hang out more before she goes back to Duluth & I stay here and attend the school of my dreams! hahah kidding about the school of my dreams, but I've always always always wanted to go there so I am extremely excited :) I will miss my dear Duluthians though!
Well my interview with Sears on Friday was a disaster. I didn't know that the sales associate position I applied for was for tools/lawn & garden care. The manager of the department was extremely handsome but I didn't even care anymore after I found out. I was just like what the fuuuuuuuck is this shit! I bet he was surprised to see a girl in stilettos applying for the position, so we all knew that was going down the drain. Whatever, I wouldn't have liked the job anyway because you get paid on commission so if you can't sell, well you ain't getting paid! I mean it was nice of him to give me a chance but I think after I said "half-ass" it all just went downhill from there. Oh well. Andy helped or more like he applied for a job FOR me at Rainbow Foods & they're looking for cashiers & I have extensive experience with that so hopefully they call and I get it. Even if its a shitty job, at least I've got something to do and a little income so I can get my own apartment.
I'm slightly upset because due to the lack of employment, I have lost TWO of the potential apartments that I wanted. The first one was a house on Cleveland Ave right across from the St. Paul campus for $300 (utilities included) AND I could have gotten the kitty I wanted, which couldn't have gotten better than that but unfortunately someone wanted it and got it so whatev! The second one was a studio on Raymond Ave, a block down from Cleveland Ave, for $325. Slow, no job me didn't get it either. I would not dare sign a lease without a job. I will not ask my parents for rent money, that's ridiculous. *sigh, I haven't been this stressed and frustrated for awhile now. Hopefully I get a call from Rainbow, sweep them off their feet, get hired, then find a nice place I can settle in, AND then finally register for classes. Maybe then I will feel better about myself but I am so close to seriously cutting my social life until I feel good. But I think I pretty much did already, uwlej;awgjlwekj;lejf. fuuuuuuck!
I just found out that Kayla is pregnant and will be getting married in a year. I am happy for her if she's happy but I used to remember how we would tease her for being a kid. She is so young! I miss those old days with the 4 of us but whatever, HC is a total skizzank now and Kayla is preggers. Just Xai & me left. Its alllllllllllll good. Its always been like that and I'm fine with it. She's the best friend anyone could ever ask for! :) I seriously don't know who I would be if we never became best friends.
rain, rain go awaaaaaaay! come back another day. i want to go work on my tan gurrrrl :) hahahaaa
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